Publications by Gareth Evans
Books | Commission Reports | Chapters in Books
Selected Journal Articles and Monographs | Media Articles and Comments 2000 onwards
Good International Citizenship: The Case for Decency (Monash University Publishing, March 2022), 96 pp. (available at here)
Incorrigible Optimist: A Political Memoir (Melbourne University Press, 2017), xiii + 402 pp. (available at here)
Nuclear Weapons: The State of Play 2015 (with Ramesh Thakur and Tanya Ogilvie-White co-authors), Canberra, Centre for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament, 2015, xxv + 304 pp (available at here)
Inside the Hawke-Keating Government: A Cabinet Diary (Melbourne, Melbourne University Press, 2014), xvii + 414 pp.
Nuclear Weapons: The State of Play (with Ramesh Thakur co-ed), Canberra, Centre for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament, 2013, xxii + 269 pp (available at
The Responsibility to Protect: Ending Mass Atrocity Crimes Once and for All (Washington DC: Brookings Institution Press, 2008), xiv + 348 pp (click here for more information)
Australia's Foreign Relations (with Bruce Grant), Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, 2nd ed. 1995, xxii + 417 pp; 1991, xx + 389 pp.
Cooperating for Peace: The Global Agenda for the 1990s and Beyond, Sydney, Allen and Unwin, 1993, xviii + 224 pp.
Australia's Constitution (with John McMillan and Haddon Storey), Law Foundation of NSW & Allen and Unwin, Sydney, 1983, xv + 422 pp.
Labor Essays 1982: Socialist Principles and Parliamentary Government (with John Reeves co-ed.), Melbourne, Drummond, 1982, 199 pp.
Labor Essays 1981 (with John Reeves and Justin Malbon co-eds), Melbourne, Drummond, 1981, 212 pp.
Labor Essays 1980 (with John Reeves co-ed.), Melbourne, Drummond, 1980, 192 pp.
Law, Politics and the Labor Movement (ed.), LSB, Melbourne, 1980, x + 205 pp.
Labor and the Constitution, 1972-1975 (ed.), Melbourne, Heinemann, 1977, xv +383 pp.
Incorrigible Optimist: A Political Memoir (Melbourne University Press, 2017) xiii + 402 pp
'Gareth Evans's career serves as an inspiration on how a spirit of optimism coupled with a keen insight for the art of the possible can create real positive change...The man that emerges is truly one of Australia's leading figures and one of the world's great internationlists.' - KOFI ANNAN
‘Like its author, this book - a must read for anyone interested in Australian and international politics - is lively, at times "in your face", with no holds barred.' - BOB HAWKE
This is a memoir with a purpose. Its timely defence of politics and public service is required reading for anyone seriously interested in Australia and our place in the world.' - GEORGE MEGALOGENIS
Commission Reports
Eliminating Nuclear Threats: A Practical Agenda for Global Policymakers (joint author), Report of the International Commission on Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament, Co-Chair Yoriko Kawaguchi, 2009.
Meeting Global Challenges: International Cooperation in the National Interest (joint author), Report of the International Task Force on Global Public Goods, Co-Chairs Ernesto Zedillo and Tidjane Thiam, Final Report, Sweden, 2006.
Weapons of Terror: Freeing the World of Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Arms (joint author), Report of the Weapons of Mass Destruction Commission, Chair Hans Blix, Government of Sweden, 2006.
A More Secure World: Our Shared Responsibility (joint author), Report of the Secretary-General's High Level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change, Chair Anand Panyarachun, United Nations, 2004.
The Responsibility to Protect (joint author), Report of the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty (ICISS), Co-Chairs Gareth Evans and Mohamed Sahnoun, Government of Canada, Ottawa, 2001.
Preventing Deadly Conflict (joint author), Final Report of the Carnegie Commission on Preventing Deadly Conflict, Co-Chairs Cyrus Vance and David Hamburg, Carnegie Corporation of New York, 1997.
Criminal Investigation (joint author), Report of the Australian Law Reform Commission, Australian Government Publishing Service, 1975.
Chapters in Books
"Foreword" in Engaging China: How Australia Can Lead the Way Again", Jamie Reilly & Jingdong Yuan (eds), Sydney University Press, 2023
"A Tribute to Indonesia's Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) on its 50th Anniversary" in CSIS at 50: A Festschrift, CSIS, Jakarta, 2022
"International challenges" in Upturn: A better normal after COVID-19, Tanya Plibersek (ed), NewSouth Publishing, 2020
"Foreword" in Implementing the Responsibility to Project: A Future Agenda, Cecilia Jacob and Martin Mennecke (eds), Routledge, 2020.
"Remembering Bob as PM" in Remembering Bob, Sue Pieters-Hawke (eds), A&U, 2019.
"Foreword" in Seeking Justice in Cambodia: Human Rights Defenders Speak Out", Sue Coffey (eds), Melbourne University Press, 2018.
"Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament", in Humane Rights (Helen Sykes and Spencer Zifcak (eds), Future Leaders, 2016.
"R2P: The Next Ten Years" in The Oxford Handbook of the Responsibility to Protect, Alex Bellamy and Tim Dunne (eds), Oxford University Press, 2016.
"Preventing and Resolving Deadly Conflict: What Have We Learned?" in Interventions in Conflict: International Peacemaking in the Middle East, Rami Khouri, Karim Makdisi and Martin Wahlisch (eds), Palgrave Macmillan, 2016.
"Foreword" in Humanitarian Intervention (3rd Edition), Thomas G. Weiss (ed), Polity Press, Cambridge, 2016.
'From Humanitarian Intervention to the Responsibility to Protect' in Political Theory Without Borders, Robert Goodin and James Fishkin (eds), Wiley Blackwell, 2016.
'The evolution of the Responsibility to Protect: from concept and principle to actionable norm' in Theorising the Responsibility to Protect, Ramesh Thakur and William Maley (eds), Cambridge University Press, 2015.
"Foreword" in Australia as a Good International Citizen, Alison Pert, The Federation Press, Annandale, NSW, 2014.
"Foreword" in Capacity Building in the United Nations, Connie Peck, Eleanor Wertheim and John Packers (eds), UNITAR, Geneva, 2014.
'Lessons from Intervention in the 21st Century - Legality, Legitimacy and Feasibility' in Global Policy's e-book:'Lessons from Intervention in the 21st Century' - Legality, Legitimacy and Feasability', David Held and Kyle McNally(eds). *This chapter can also be accessed at
“Commission Diplomacy” in The Oxford Handbook of Modern Diplomacy, Andrew F Cooper, Jorge Heine and Ramesh Thakur (eds), Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2013.
"Foreword" in Our Place in the Asian Century, Southeast Asia as ‘The Third Way’, The Asialink Commission, Anthony Milner and Sally Percival Wood (eds), Asialink, Melbourne 2012.
"Responding to Atrocities: The New Geopolitics of Intervention" in SIPRI Yearbook 2012: Armaments, Disarmament and International Security, Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2012.
"Foreword" in Humanitarian Intervention, Thomas G. Weiss, Polity Press, Cambridge, 2012.
"Foreword" in Peace Psychology in Australia, Diane Bretherton and Nikola Balvin (eds), Springer Verlag, 2012.
"Foreword" in An Introduction to International Relations, Richard Devetak, Anthony Burke and Jim George (eds), Second Edition, Cambridge University Press, New York, 2012.
"Foreword" (with Mohamed Sahnoun) in The People vs. the State: Reflections on UN Authority, US Power and the Responsibility to Protect, Ramesh Thakur, United Nations University Press, Tokyo, 2011.
"The Responsibility to Protect: Lessons and Challenges" in The Responsibility to Protect: The Promise of Stopping Mass Atrocities in Our Time, Jared Genser and Irwin Cotler (eds), OUP 2011.
"Crimes Against Humanity and the Responsibility to Protect" in Forging a Convention for Crimes Against Humanity, Leila Nadya Sadat (ed), Cambridge University Press, New York, 2011.
"Foreword" in North Korea on the Brink: Struggle for Survival, Glyn Ford with Soyoung Kwon, Pluto Press, UK, 2008.
"Principled Pragmatism" in Nongovernmental Politics, Michel Feher, Gaëlle Krikorian and Yates McKee (eds), Zone Books, USA, 2007.
"Foreword" in Humanitarian Intervention: War and Conflict in the Modern World, Thomas G. Weiss, Polity Press, UK, 2007.
"Foreword" in Bread and Stones: Leadership and the Struggle to Reform the United Nations World Food Programme, James Ingram, Booksurge LLC, USA, 2006.
"Foreword" in The United Nations, Peace and Security, Ramesh Thakur, Cambridge University Press, UK, 2006.
"Responding to Terrorism: A Global Stocktake" in Terrorism and International Relations, Daniel S. Hamilton (ed), Center for Transatlantic Relations, Washington DC, 2006.
"The New Global Security Agenda" in Australian Security After 9/11: New and Old Agendas, Derek McDougall and Peter Shearman (eds), Ashgate Publishing Limited, UK, 2006.
"Foreword" in International Commissions and the Power of Ideas, Ramesh Thakur, Andrew F. Cooper and John English, United Nations University Press, Tokyo, 2005.
"The Responsibility to Protect: Moving Towards a Shared Consensus" in The Responsibility to Protect: Ethical and Theological Reflections, Semegnish Asfaw, Guillermo Kerber and Peter Weiderud (eds), World Council of Churches, France, 2005.
"Afterword" in The Third Try: Can the United Nations Work?, Alison Broinowski and James Wilkinson, Scribe Publications, Australia, 2005.
"The Responsiblity to Protect: Rethinking Humanitarian Intervention" in The Adventures of Peace. Dag Hammarskjöld and the Future of the UN, Sten Ask and Anna Mark-Jungkvist (eds), Atlantis, Sweden, 2005.
Interview in Beyond the 'Never Agains', Eva Fried (ed), Fälth och Hässler, Värnamo, 2005.
"Conflict Prevention and NGOs" in Development, Security and Conflict Prevention: Security as a Millennium Goal, Anna Lindh Programme on Conflict Prevention 2005 edition, Anders Mellbourn (ed), Gidlunds forlag, Sweden, 2005.
"Shifting Security Parameters in the 21st Century" in The Gulf Challenges of the Future, The Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research, Abu Dhabi, 2005.
"Preface" in Indonesia Matters: Diversity, Unity and Stability in Fragile Times, Thang D. Nguyen and Frank-Jü rgen Richter (eds), World Economic Forum/Times Edition, Singapore, 2003: xiv.
"Preventing Deadly Conflict" in Crisis and Conflict in Asia: Local Regional and International Responses, Purnendra Jain, Greg O'Leary and Felix Patrikeeff (eds), Nova Science Publisher Inc., New York, 2002.
"Australia in Asia: Looking Back and Looking Forward" in The Alfred Deakin Lectures: Ideas for the Future of a Civil Society, ABC Books, Sydney, 2001.
"Preventive Diplomacy: Concepts and Practice" in The Next Stage: Preventive Diplomacy and Security Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific Region, Desmond Ball and Amitav Acharya (eds), Canberra, Australian National University, 1999.
"Ensuring Peace: The Future of the United Nations" in Peacekeeping and Peacemaking, Tom Woodhouse, Robert Bruce and Malcolm Dando (eds), Basingstoke, Macmillan, 1998.
"Cooperating for Peace" in Past Imperfect, Future Uncertain, Ramesh Thakur (ed.), Basingstoke, Macmillan, 1998.
"Preventive Action and Conflict Resolution" in Peacemaking and Peacekeeping for the New Century, Olara A. Otunno and Michael W. Doyle (eds), Lanham Md., Rowman and Littlefield, 1998.
"The Style of Australian Foreign Policy" in Snapshots of Hope: The Making of Modern Labor, Gary Jungwirth (ed.), Sydney, Pluto Press, 1998.
"The Labor Tradition: A View From the 1990s" in Evatt to Evans: The Labor Tradition in Australian Foreign Policy, David Lee and Christopher Waters (eds), Sydney, Allen and Unwin, 1997.
"The Challenge of Economic Policy: Putting People First" in Labor Essays 1997: Renewing and Revitalising Labor, Gary Jungwirth (ed.), Sydney, Pluto Press, 1997.
"Lebanon: Towards a Brighter Future" in Lebanon: Beyond 2000, Amin Saikal and Geoffrey Jukes (eds), Canberra, Australian National University, 1997.
"Australia and Indonesia: Neighbours for Half a Century" in Indonesia: Dealing with a Neighbour, Colin Brown (ed.), Allen and Unwin, Sydney, 1996.
"Cooperating for Peace" in The United Nations at Fifty: Retrospect and Prospect, Ramesh Thakur (ed.), Dunedin, University of Otago Press, 1996.
"The Impact of Internationalisation on Australian Law: A Commentary" in Courts of Final Jurisdiction: The Mason Court in Australia, Cheryl Saunders (ed.), Sydney, Federation Press, 1996.
"Foreword" in The United Nations as a Dispute Settlement System, Connie Peck, The Hague, Kluwer Law International, 1996.
"Cooperating with My Critics: A Rejoinder" in The New Agenda for Global Security: Cooperating for Peace and Beyond, Stephanie Lawson (ed.), Sydney, Allen and Unwin, 1995.
"Regionalism and Cooperation in the Asia Pacific: the Role of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Governments" in The Future of the Pacific Rim: Scenarios for Regional Cooperation, Barbara K Bundy, Stephen D. Burns and Kimberley V. Weichel (eds), Westport Conn., 1994.
"Australia's Regional Security Environment" in Strategic Studies in a Changing World: Global, Regional and Australian Perspectives, Desmond Ball and David Horner (eds), Canberra, Strategic Defence Studies Centre, 1992.
"The Case for Australian Participation" in Australia's Gulf War, Murray Goot and Rodney Tiffen (eds), Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, 1992.
"Ministerial Response" in Australia's Regional Security, Greg Fry (ed.), Sydney, Allen and Unwin, 1991.
"Australia's Relations with Indonesia" in Strange Neighbours: The Australia-Indonesia Relationship, Desmond Ball and Helen Wilson (eds), Sydney, Allen and Unwin, 1991.
"The New World Order and the United Nations" in Whose World Order?, Mara R. Bustelo and Philip Alston (eds), Sydney, Federation Press, 1991.
"Australia and Papua New Guinea" in The PNG/ Australia Relationship: Problems and Prospects, David Anderson (ed.), Sydney, Institute of Public Affairs, 1990.
"Reform and Regression in the Australian Federation" in Governing Federations, Michael Wood, Christopher Williams and Campbell Sharman (eds), Hale and Iremonger, 1989.
"The Case Against Citizen Initiative" in For & Against: an Anthology of Public Issues in Australia, 1989.
Interview in Speaking for Myself, Graham Little, Melbourne, McPhee Gribble, 1989.
"The Lessons" in The Whitlam Phenomenon, Fabian Papers, Melbourne, McPhee Gribble/Penguin Books, 1986.
"The Legal Profession: a Commonwealth Perspective" and "Discrimination and Human Rights", Papers Presented at 22nd Australian Legal Convention, Brisbane, Law Council of Australia, 1984.
"Australia and the Third world - Economic Perspectives" in Australia's External Relations in the 1980s, Paul Dibb (ed.), Croom Helm Australia, 1983.
"Reshaping the Socialist Objective" and "Socialism and the Australian Constitution" in The Socialist Objective, Bruce O'Meagher (ed.), Sydney, Hale and Iremonger, 1983.
"Scrutiny of the Executive by Parliamentary Committees" in Parliament and Bureaucracy, J.R.Nethercote (ed.), Sydney, Hale and Iremonger, 1982.
"Federal-State Relations and the Constitution" in Writings in Legal Studies, John Glasson and Nick Thornton (eds), Melbourne, VCTA Publishing, 1982.
"The ALP and the Constitution" and "Law and Justice" in Labor: Directions for the Eighties, J.North and P.Weller (eds), Sydney, Novak, 1980.
"The Evolution of the Socialist Objective 1890-1980" (with John Reeves) and "A Socialist Objective for the 1980s" in Labor Essays 1980, Gareth Evans and John Reeves (eds), Melbourne, Drummond, 1980.
"Foreword" in Tocsin: Radical Arguments against Federation 1897-1900, Hugh Anderson (ed.), Melbourne, Drummond, 1977.
"Changing the System" in Change the Rules! Towards a Democratic Constitution, Sol Encel, Donald Horne and Elaine Thompson (eds), Melbourne, Penguin Books, 1977.
"The Most Dangerous Branch? The High Court and the Constitution in a Changing Society" in Australian Lawyers and Social Change, David Hambly and John Goldring (eds), Sydney, Law Book Company, 1976.
"Prospects and Problems for an Australian Bill of Rights" in Australian Yearbook of International Law 1970-73.
Selected Journal Articles and Monographs
"Atrocity Prevention and Response: Challenges for R2P", Global Responsibility to Protect, 2024, 1-8, 27 August 2024.
"De-risking regional geopolitics", Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Volume 40, Issue 2, Summer 2024, Pages 439-441, 12 June 2024. (Link)
"The Regional Security Outlook: Accord and Discord in the Australian Policy Community", CSCAP Regional Security Outlook 2024, 29 November 2023.
"Lowering the Nuclear Temperature: Australia's role", Evatt Journal Vol 21, '90 Seconds to Midnight', pp 9-14, April 2023.
"Meeting the challenge of Global Extinction", Review of Andrew Leigh, What is the Worst that Could Happen?: Existential Risk and Extreme Politics (The MIT Press, 2021, 240 pp), Australian Book Review, March 2022.
"The Dream and the Reality", Global Responsibility to Protect, Vol 12, issue 3, 29 June 2020.
"Roundtable: Balancing Legal Norms, Moral Values, and National Interests Introduction", Ethics & International Affairs, Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs, Vol 33, no. 1 (2019), pp. 13-18
"Nuclear disarmament: the global challenge, Nuclear Asia, ANU College of Asia & the Pacific, 6 December 2017.
"Responsibility to Protect (R2P): The ICISS Commission Fifteen Years On", Simons Papers in Security and Development 54/2016, October 2016.
"Values and Interests in Foreign Policymaking", Simons Papers in Security and Development 53/2016, October 2016.
"Finding Common Ground: Negotiating Across Cultures on Peace and Security Issues", in Global Policy, June 2016.
"The Changing Face of Deadly Conflict", in The Future of Conflict, International Crisis Group's 20th Anniversary Essays, 21 December 2015.
"Nuclear Arms Control: A Realistic Global Agenda", APLN CNND Policy Brief No 8, January 2014.
"Nuclear Deterrence in Asia and the Pacific", Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies, doi: 10.1002/app5.11
"Response to Robert A.Pape, When Duty Calls: A Pragmatic Standard of Humanitarian Intervention" International Security, 2013.
"Kirby Lecture in International Law 2010: International Law at the Coalface: Three Decades of Learning by Doing", Australian Year Book of International Law, vol. 3 (2012).
"Ethnopolitical Conflict: When is it Right to Intervene?", Ethnopolitics, Vol. 10, No. 1 (March 2011).
"Enlargers, Straiteners and the Making of Australian Foreign Policy", Meanjin Quarterly (2011) Vol. 70, No. 2, 124-132.
"Gareth Evans's The Responsibility to Protect (2008): Response to Reviews by Michael Barnett, Chris Brown and Robert Jackson", Global Responsibility to Protect (2010) Vol. 2, 320-327.
"The Responsibility to Protect: Ending Mass Atrocity Crimes Once and for All", Irish Studies in International Affairs, Vol.20 (2009), 7-13.
"From Humanitarian Intervention to the Responsibility to Protect", Wisconsin International Law Journal (2006) Vol. 24 No. 3, 101-120.
"Crimes against humanity: overcoming indifference", Journal of Genocide Research (2006), 8(3), September, 325-339.
"2005: A Watershed Year for Global Security" in G8 Summit 2005: Mapping the Challenges, Newsdesk Communications, July 2005.
"Conflict Prevention and Resolution", New Zealand International Review, New Zealand Institute of International Affairs, March/April 2005, vol. xxx, no.2.
"Global and Regional Security: Our Shared Responsibility", Institute of Southeast Asian Studies Regional Outlook Forum 2005, Trends in Southeast Asia Series: January 2005.
"When is it right to fight?", Survival, Autumn 2004, vol. 46, no. 3.
"The Responsibility to Protect: When is it Right to Fight?", Progressive Politics, July 2003, vol. 2.2.
"The U.S. versus The World: How American Power Seems to the Rest of Us", The Fletcher Forum of World Affairs, Summer/Fall 2003, vol. 27:2, 99-113.
"The U.S. vs the World: Rebuilding a Relationship", Defense, June/July 2003.
"Paradise Betrayed-West Papua's Struggle for Independence: A Comment" (with Sidney Jones), Quarterly Essay, 9:2003, 109-12.
"Meeting the Challenge of War" (Rapporteur's Report, Davos 2003), WEF Global Agenda Monitor, 2003.
"The Responsibility to Protect", Gareth Evans and Mohamed Sahnoun, Foreign Affairs, November/December 2002, vol. 81, no 6: 99-110.
"A World Where It's Rational To Be Anxious: The Challenge Of Conflict Prevention and Resolution", NATO 2002: Mapping the Challenges (Prague Summit), November 2002.
"Rethinking Humanitarian Intervention: The Responsibility to Protect", NATO Review, Winter 2002.
"Building International Defenses against Terrorism. A Comprehensive Strategy", Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, Winter/Spring 2002, vol. III, number I: 129-135.
"Intervention and State Sovereignty: Breaking New Ground", Gareth Evans and Mohamed Sahnoun, Global Governance, vol. 7, no. 2, April-June 2001:119-125.
"The Inevitability of Peace Operations?", Jarat Chopra, Gareth Evans and William Farrand, Proceedings of the 95th Annual Meeting of The American Society of International Law, 4-7 April 2001: 220-228.
"True Believer: The FP Interview", Foreign Policy, March-April 2001: 26-41.
"The View From Down Under: A Regional Ally's Perspective on the US-China-Japan Relationship", Harvard Asia Pacific Review, vol. 3, no. 2 (Summer 1999): 36-39.
"Politics and the Media Circus", AQ (Australian Quarterly), vol. 70, no. 2 (1998): 16-18.
"Values and Choices in Economic Policy", The Sydney Papers, vol.10, no. 3 (1998): 83-95.
"The Case for Illegality: Australia's Statement on Nuclear Weapons to the International Court of Justice", Evatt Papers, vol. 3, no. 2 (1995): 65-92.
"The World after Wilenski: An Australian who Mattered", Australian Quarterly, vol. 67, no.4 (1995): 3-13.
"Reintegrating the United Nations", Australian International Law Journal (1994): 82-97.
"Cooperative Security and Intrastate Conflict", Foreign Policy, No. 96, Fall (1994): 3-20. (Winner of University of Louisville's $US 150,000 Grawemeyer Prize for Ideas Improving World Order, 1995)
"A UN Volunteer Military Force: Comment", New York Review of Books, 24 June 1993, 58.
Australia and Chile: The Asia Pacific and Latin America, Lecture Series, Chilean Council on Foreign Relations, 1992.
"Australia and the United States in the New World Order", The Sydney Papers, vol. 3, no. 1 (1991): 94-102.
"Australia's Foreign Policy and the Environment", Round Table (1990): 297-305.
"Recent Events in Indochina", The Sydney Papers, vol.2, no.1 (1990): 50-61.
"Australian Foreign Policy Priorities in a Changing World", Australian Outlook, vol.43, no.2 (1989): 1-15.
"Making Australian Foreign Policy", Fabian Pamphlet No. 50, Australian Fabian Society, 1989.
Australia and Indo-China, Beanland Lecture, Footscray Institute of Technology, 1989.
"Australia's Trade Policy into the 21st Century", The Sydney Papers, vol.1, no.1 (1989): 91-100.
"The Dismissal: Repatriating the Debate", Quadrant 28 (1984): 76-77.
"Reforming the Law of Criminal Investigation", Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, vol.17, no. 4 (1984): 195-206.
"The Federal Government and Environment Law", Environmental and Planning Law Journal, vol.1,no.1, 1984.
Information and Freedom in 1984: A Report to the Nation, Australian Library Promotion Council, 1984.
"The Tasmanian Dam Case: Background and Implications", Parliamentarian, no. 65 (1984): 10-21.
"Discrimination Legislation", New Zealand Law Journal (1984): 214-217.
"Legal Fees and the Challenge of Unmet Legal Need", Law Institute Journal (1983): 1316-1319.
"The 'Machinery of Government' Constitutional Referendum Bills", Australian Law Journal, vol. 57, no.12 (1983): 690-700.
"Enacting a Bill of Rights", Australian Law Journal, vol. 56, no. 8, (1982): 434-435.
God save the Queen? Australia as a Republic, University of Western Australia Counterpoint Forum, 1982
"Rethinking the Socialist Objective" in Labor's Socialist Objective: Three Perspectives, Fabian Pamphlet No. 34, Victorian Fabian Society, 1981.
"The Politics of Justice", Fabian Pamphlet No.33, Victorian Fabian Society, 1981.
Conscientious Objection to Union Membership, Monograph Series No.9, Industrial Relations Society of Victoria.
Civil Liberties in the Next Decade, Councils for Civil Liberties in Australia, National Convention Proceedings (1976): 6-35.
"Labor and the Constitution", Meanjin Quarterly, vol.35 no.1 (1976): 3-19.
"The Constitutional Validity and Scope of the Trade Practices Act 1974", Australian Law Journal, vol. 49, no. 12 (1975): 654-671.
"Pecuniary Interests of Members of Parliament under the Australian Constitution", Australian Law Journal, vol. 49, August 1975, 464-477.
"New Directions in Australian Race Relations Law", Australian Law Journal, vol.48, no. 10 (1974): 479-491.
"Benign Discrimination and the Right to Equality", Federal Law Review, vol. 6, no. 1 (1974): 26-83.
"An Australian Bill of Rights", Australian Quarterly, vol. 45, no.1, (1973).
"The Browning of Australia", Dissent, no. 29, (1972).
Note: Numerous other published papers, speeches and shorter articles by Gareth Evans may be found, among other places, in Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade publications (Australian Foreign Affairs Record, Monthly Record, Australian Foreign Affairs and Trade, Backgrounder, Insight), World Review and Canberra Survey, the website of the International Crisis Group ( and, accessible through that, his personal website. Newspaper and magazine articles in the general press have not been included here, but op-ed pieces written since he became President of Crisis Group in January 2000 are listed below.
Media Articles and Comments 2000 onwards
"Australia's middle power diplomacy matters", in East Asia Forum, 13 January 2025
"Celebrating Race Mathews", in Pearls and Irritations, 25 October 2024
"Sheridan wrong on Wong", in Pearls and Irritations, 3 October 2024
"Defending nation's sovereignty is not the act of an 'appeaser', in The Australian, 24 September 2024
"Looking on the bright side: the risks - and rewards - of political optimism", in The Conversation, 18 September 2024
"Independence too big a price for AUKUS fantasy", in The Australian, 17 September 2024
"Remembering Pete Steedman", in Pearls and Irritations, 11 September 2024
"AUKUS is terrible for Australian national interests - but we're probably stuck with it", in The Conversation, 16 August 2024
"The Urgency of Palestinian Statehood", in Project Syndicate (worldwide distribution), 18 April 2024
"Cambodia's new leader may sound like a reformer in Australia next week, but little has changed back home", in The Conversation, 29 February 2024
"Detente: Towards a Balance of Power between the USA and China", in Guardian Australia, 31 January 2024
"Australia can't rely on US to save it from China", in The Australian Financial Review, 8 December 2023
"A compelling voice for rethinking Australia's national security", in Lowy Institute: The Interpreter, 29 August 2023
"Cambodia's democracy deficit: Australia's role and responsibility", in Lowy Institute: The Interpreter, 22 August 2023
"Nuclear weapons: "Oppenheimer" won't make a difference, but Australia can", in Lowy Institute: The Interpreter, 27 July 2023
"The case for recognising Palestine", in The Conversation, 15 June 2023
"A Better Rules-Based Order: What Australia and Korea can do together", in Asialink Insights, 3 May 2023
"The three big questions Australia's leaders must answer about the Aukus deal", in The Guardian, 21 March 2023
"Listening to The Voice", in The Saturday Paper, 21 January 2023
"Revitalizing the Struggle for Human Rights", in Project Syndicate (worldwide distribution), 9 December 2022
"Remembering Bruce Grant: An advocate of Australian self-reliant defence capability", in Pearls and Irritations, 7 December 2022
"Lessons from the Collaery case", in The Saturday Paper, 15 October 2022
"Australia's Minister of Everything", in Project Syndicate (worldwide distribution), 26 August 2022
"Letter to President Yoon: Peace and security hopes for new ROK administration", in The Korea Times, 13 May 2022
"Australia could take the lead in curbing global kleptocrats", with Emil Bolongaita, in The Australian Financial Review, 29 April 2022
"Why Australia should be a Good International Citizen", in The Age, 3 March 2022
"The Case for Decency: Are we a Good International Citizen", in The Sydney Morning Herald, 26 February 2022
"Why the Quad is Failing on Myanmar Human Rights", with Helen Clark, in The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald, 17 February 2022
"Remembering FW de Klerk", in The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald, 12 November 2021
"Cambodia thirty years on: time for Australia to act again, in The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald, 23 October 2021
"The Real Risks of Australia's Submarine Deal", in Project Syndicate (worldwide distribution), 22 September 2021
"AUKUS Nuclear-Powered Submarine Deal No Cause for Concern", in Asia-Pacific Leadership Network The Pulse, 16 September 2021
"China's new silos: Nuclear arms control more urgent than ever", in Lowy Institute: The Interpreter, 19 August 2021
"Gareth Evans versus the Surveillance State: application of the Foreign Influence Transparency Scheme", in Pearls and Irritations, 23 July 2021
"Pursuing spying case damages Australia", in The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald, 23 June 2021
"Talking up war over Taiwan flouts reason, fact, judgment and Australia's national interest", in East Asia Forum, 9 May 2021
"Revisiting the case for no first use of nuclear weapons", in Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 5 May 2021
"Why the Hawke-Keating Government remains the gold standard: Review of Don Russell on Leadership, in Pearls and Irritations, 3 May 2021
"The Responsibility to Protect the people of Myanmar", in Australian Outlook, 8 April 2021
"What Asia wants from the Biden Administration", in Global Asia, March 2021
"Myanmar and the Responsibility to Protect (R2P)", on the website of Global Reconciliation Forums - aidXchange, 21 March 2021
"UK Abdicates its Global Responsibility in Nuclear Weapons Surge", on the website of Asia Pacific Leadership Network for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament, 19 March 2021
"Remembering Edward Luck (1948-2021)", on the website of Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect, 22 February 2021
"Vale George Shultz", in ASPI The Strategist, 9 February 2021
"Letter to President Biden: Restoring US Credibility", in Korea Times, 27 January 2021
"Vale Andrew Mack", in Pearls and Irritations, 24 January 2021
"Australia's China Problem, in Project Syndicate (worldwide distribution), 3 December 2020
"Australia and China: Getting out of the hole", in Pearls and Irritations, 27 November 2020
"Atomic bombing starts our moral awakening", Statement by the Asia-Pacific Leadership Network for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament, in The Korean Times, 5 August 2020
"Libya 2011: The Real R2P Story", Response by Gareth Evans to Amin Saikal 'Libya's Double Tragedy' in Project Syndicate, 10 July 2020
"Pressing the pause button on Sinophobia", in Pearls and Irritations, 19 June 2020
"How not to respond to China", in AsiaGlobal Online, 18 June 2020
"Cambodia's Virus Excuse for Human Rights Abuse", in The Sydney Morning Herald, 15 April 2020
"On Australia's Fires, China and American Angst", Interview with Global Brief, February 2020
"How not to conduct Australian foreign policy: Suez 1956", in Pearls and Irritations, 15 November 2019
"Global nuclear disarmament: Don't abandon the dream", in The Korea Times, 6 November 2019
"How to be a successful political leader", in The Conversation, 14 October 2019
"Emotion, reason and nuclear disarmament", in Pearls and Irritations, 18 September 2019
"The 'bamboo ceiling' in Australia is real", in The Sydney Morning Herald, 12 September 2019
"I.M. Pei's influence was profound, and deserves to be remembered", in The Canberra Times, 25 May 2019
"Bob Hawke Obituary: Exceptional strengths outweighed weaknesses", in The Australian Financial Review, 17 May 2019
"Australia should resist US pressure to take on China", Interview with The Global Times, 31 October 2018
"An End to Australia's Democratic Pantomime?", in Project Syndicate (worldwide distribution), 27 August 2018
"The human tragedy of Palestine", in Australian Outlook, Austalian Institute of International Affairs, 10 August 2018
"When old mates can't be trusted", in The Australian Financial Review, 2 August 2018
"ANU stood up for academic freedom in rejecting Western Civilisation degree", in The Conversation, 30 June 2018
"Why ANU knocked back the Ramsay Centre course", in The Australian, 25 June 2018
"How we should manage Donald Trump's meltdown world", in The Australian Financial Review, 20 June 2018
"Faces of the ANU", 13 May 2018
"When May States Use Force?", in PS On Point, Project Syndicate (worldwide distribution), 27 April 2018
"Interview by Keera Annamaneni", in The Politic, Yale University, 17 April 2018
"Australia in an age of geopolitical transition", in East Asia Forum, 11 December 2017
"Regenerating political leadership in a populist age", in Pursuit, The University of Melbourne, 4 December 2017
"Supplementing the nuclear ban treaty: a constructive way forward", in ASPI The Strategist, 15 November 2017
"Trump era: Australia should rely less on the US", in The Australian, 2 October 2017
"Preparing Asia for Trump", in Project Syndicate (worldwide distribution), 12 November 2016
"On Nuclear First Strike, White is Wrong", in East Asia Forum, 31 August 2016
"Australia's Peurile Politics on the Global Stage", in Project Syndicate (worldwide distribution), 1 August 2016
"The South China Sea is not China's", in Project Syndicate (worldwide distribution), 12 July 2016
"Crawford Providing Australian Policy Leadership", in Australian Financial Review, 20 June 2016
"Good News for Humanity", in Project Syndicate, 26 May 2016
"Playing by the Rules in Asia", in Project Syndicate, 26 April 2016
"The World at your Feet: How to Build a Career in Foreign Relations", in The Conversation, 15 April 2016
"Learning from Libya", in Project Syndicate (worldwide distribution), 8 April 2016
"The Anglosphere Illusion", in Project Syndicate (worldwide distribution) , 18 February 2016
"How to rid the world of genocide", in The Washington Post, 15 February 2016
"Beating Genocide", in Project Syndicate (Worldwide Distribution), 4 December 2015
"Combating Terrorist Recruitment", in Project Syndicate (Worldwide Distribution), 27 November 2015
"Indonesia's Forgotten Genocide", in Project Syndicate (Worldwide Distribution), 2 November 2015
"Why the MCG will turn UN blue on Saturday", in The Age, 19 October 2015
"Australia's Pantomime Democracy", in Project Syndicate (Worldwide Distribution), 16 September 2015
"Good International Citizenship: Values and Interests in Foreign Policymaking", in The Strategist, Australia Strategic Policy Institute, 28 August 2015
"Working Toward a World Without Nuclear Weapons", Japan NHK World News Artcicle and Video Interview with Chair of the Asia-Pacific Leadership Network for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament and former Australian Foreign Minister Gareth Evans, 26 August 2015
Transcript of ABC Radio National Breakfast Interview by Fran Kelly with former Australian Foreign Minister Gareth Evans, "Should Australia Expand its Military Operations into Syria?" 26 August 2015
"A Radioactive Bank to be Welcomed", in Project Syndicate (Worldwide Distribution), 24 August 2015
"An Iran Deal Ten Years Late", in Project Syndicate (Worldwide Distribution), 21 July 2015
"Serenity in the South China Sea", in Project Syndicate (Worldwide Distribution), 26 June 2015
"Security in the Asian Pacific: Time for the middle powers to step up", East Asia Forum Quarterly, Vol.7 No. 2 April-June 2015
"The Power of Student Travel", in Project Syndicate (Worldwide Distribution), 26 May 2015
"A New Blueprint for US-China Relations", in Project Syndicate (Worldwide Distribution), 30 April 2015
"Relearning to Love the Bomb", in Project Syndicate (Worldwide Distribution), 6 April 2015
"Trashing the ASEAN Brand", in Project Syndicate (Worldwide Distribution), 3 March 2015
"Limiting the Security Council Veto", in Project Syndicate (Worldwide Distribution), 5 February 2014
"East Asia's New Year Resolutions", in Project Syndicate (Worldwide Distribution), 30 December 2014
"Australia needs to refocus on ASEAN", in East Asia Forum, 17 December 2014
"The Hard-Headed Case for Good International Citizenship", in Australian Outlook (Australian Institute of International Affairs), 8 December 2014
"Why Summits Matter", in Project Syndicate (Worldwide Distribution), 24 November 2014
"The Security Council's Credibility Test", in Project Syndicate (Worldwide Distribution), 28 October 2014
"A Call to End Arms: The Jakarta Declaration on Nuclear Weapons", in Global Asia Vol. 9, No. 3, Fall 2014
"The Limits to Fighting the Islamic State", in Project Syndicate (Worldwide Distribution), 23 September
"A legitimate, humane mission in Iraq to halt Islamic State extremism", in The Australian, 2 September 2014
"The Right Iraqi Intervention", in Project Syndicate (Worldwide Distribution), 13 August 2014
"Abe's Asian Gambit", in Project Syndicate (Worldwide Distribution), 28 July 2014
"A Responsibility to Protect Iraqis?", in Project Syndicate (Worldwide Distribution), 24 June 2014
"Australia Hinders Progress in Middle East Peace Process", in The Age and Sydney Morning Herald, 8 June 2014
"Five Reasons Why the Sky Is Not Falling", in Project Syndicate (Worldwide Distribution), 27 May 2014
"MH370's Beacon of Hope", in Project Syndicate (Worldwide Distribution), 25 April 2014
"Bob Carr captures the craziness of being Australia's foreign minister", in The Conversation, 14 April 2014
"The Ukraine Nuclear Delusion", in Project Syndicate (Worldwide Distribution), 19 March 2014
"Cambodia's Violent Peace", in Project Syndicate (Worldwide Distribution), 26 February 2014
"Sorry is the Hardest Word", in Project Syndicate (Worldwide Distribution), 28 January 2014
"Mandela for the Ages", in Project Syndicate (Worldwide Distribution), 6 December 2013
"Unintelligent Intelligence", in Project Syndicate (Worldwide Distribution), 22 November 2013
"Protecting Civilians Responsibly", in Project Syndicate (Worldwide Distribution), 25 October 2013
"Obama's Rocky Path to Success in Syria", in Project Syndicate (Worldwide Distribution), 24 September 2013
"R2P Down But Not Out After Libya and Syria", in Open Democracy, 9 September 2013
"The Moral Case on Syria When the Law is Lacking", in The Australian Financial Review, 29 August 2013
"Diplomacy and Double Standards", In Project Syndicate (Worldwide Distribution), 23 August 2013
"The Winning International NGO", in Project Syndicate (Wordwide Distribution), 23 July 2013
"Learning from Australia's Political Meltdown", in Project Syndicate (Wordwide Distribution), 11 July 2013
"A Talking Cure for Syria", in Project Syndicate (Worldwide Distribution), 29 May 2013
"The Nuclear Illusion", in Project Syndicate (Worldwide Distribution), 26 April 2013
"Valuing the United Nations", in Project Syndicate (Worldwide Distribution), 26 March 2013
"Keeping Calm on North Korea", in Project Syndicate (Worldwide Distribution), 13 February 2013
"Japan and the Politics of Guilt", in Project Syndicate (Worldwide Distribution), 30 January 2013
“Wie wir lehren, die Bombe zu hassen” in The European, January 2013
"The Global March Toward Peace", in Project Syndicate (Worldwide Distribution), 27 December 2012
"Q&A With Gareth Evans" in Quarterly Access, Spring 2012
"Statesmanship vacuum bars way to comprehensive settlement plan", in The Australian, 24 November 2012
"From Gaza to Where?", in Project Syndicate (Worldwide Distribution), 20 November 2012
"Buying a Ticket for Peace", in The Global Mail, 1 November 2012
"Remembering Sri Lanka's Killing Fields", in Project Syndicate (Worldwide Distribution), 26 October 2012
"Gareth Evans on Responsibility to Protect after Libya", Interview with Alan Philips for The World Today, Chatham House, October 2012
"Nuclear Disarmament Disarmed", in Project Syndicate (Worldwide Distribution), 25 September 2012
"Statement in response to the Victorian Coroner's findings on the David Wilson Case", 19 September 2012
"Mass Atrocity Crimes are Everybody's, Not Nobody's, Business", in The First DAG-3QD Peace and Justice Symposium, 3 September 2012
"Brazilian Proposal Tries to Unlock Deadlock in the Security Council / Proposta Brasileira Tenta Destravar Impasse no Conselho de Segurança", Veja Interview, 2 September 2012
"A Lifeline for Asia's Boat People", in Project Syndicate (Worldwide Distribution), 22 August 2012
"Calming the South China Sea", in Project Syndicate (Worldwide Distribution), 26 July 2012
"To the Brink and Back with Iran", in Project Syndicate (Worldwide Distribution), 26 June 2012
"Tea Party Victory, Global Defeat", in Project Syndicate (Worldwide Distribution), 23 May 2012
"Interview with Gareth Evans, ex-Australian Foreign Minister",, 1 May 2012
"Keeping Cool in the Nuclear Heat", in Project Syndicate (Worldwide Distribution), 25 April 2012
"Saving the Syrians", in Project Syndicate (Worldwide Distribution), 23 March 2012
"Letter in Response to Alex de Waal, 'How to End Mass Atrocities'", in The New York Times, 11 March 2012
"Cabinet reshuffle: Gareth Evans on Bob Carr", Interview with The Conversation, 2 March 2012
"National interest and pride demand we fight to join the UN Security Council", in The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald, 1 March 2012
"Nuclear Disarmament's Midnight Hour", in Project Syndicate (Worldwide Distribution), 28 February 2012
"Responsibility While Protecting", in Project Syndicate (Worldwide Distribution), 27 January 2012
"We can prevent famine if we heed the warnings", in The Sydney Morning Herald, 27 January 2012
"A World of Grey", in Project Syndicate (Worldwide Distribution), 26 December 2011
"Letter in Response to Hugh Roberts, 'Who Said Gaddafi Had to Go?'", in London Review of Books, Vol. 33 No. 24, 15 December 2011
"Nothing gained by treating India as an outlaw", in The Age, 15 December 2011
"End of the Argument: How we won the debate over stopping genocide", in Foreign Policy magazine, 1 December 2011
"Asia’s Month of Milestones", in Project Syndicate (Worldwide Distribution), 22 November 2011
"Response to David Rieff‘s “R2P, RIP”, in New York Times and International Herald Tribune", 7 November 2011
"East Timor and Me: A Response to Noam Chomsky", The Interpreter, Lowy Institute for International Policy, 3 November 2011
"The Responsibility to Protect Comes of Age", in Project Syndicate (Worldwide Distribution), 26 October 2011
"Did Qaddafi's End Justify the Means? How Libya Changed the Face of Humanitarian Intervention", Foreign Policy magazine roundtable, 20 October 2011
"Israel and America on the Wrong Side of History", in Project Syndicate (Worldwide Distribution), 20 September 2011
"The “RtoP” Balance Sheet After Libya", Interview, e-International Relations, 2 September 2011 -
Republished November 2011 as "The Responsibility to Protect: Challenges & Opportunities in Light of the Libyan Intervention"
"The Advancing Kangaroo", in Asian Educator, September 2011 (link to: front cover and article)
"The Asian Power Squeeze", in Project Syndicate (Worldwide Distribution), 26 August 2011
"Taming Bigotry", in Project Syndicate (Worldwide Distribution), 29 July 2011
"Too Much Information", in Project Syndicate (Worldwide Distribution), 26 June 2011
"Bombs Away", in Project Syndicate (Worldwide Distribution), 26 May 2011
"Hypocrisy and War", in Project Syndicate (Worldwide Distribution), 27 April 2011
"UN Targets Libya with Pinpoint Accuracy", in The Age, 24 March 2011, and distributed worldwide by Project Syndicate as 'Libya: the Scope and Limits of the Responsibility to Protect'
"No-fly zone will help stop Gaddafi's carnage", in Financial Times, 28 February 2011, distributed by Project Syndicate for non-English language publication as 'The Responsibility to Protect Libyans'
Comment on Hugh White's, 'Power Shift: Australia's Future between Washington and Beijing', Quarterly Essay, Issue 40, 2010, pp 85-6
"Iran's Nuclear Reasoning", in Project Syndicate (Worldwide Distribution), 20 September 2010
"Taking Disarmament Seriously", in The Australian, The Scotsman, Business Day (South Africa), The Nation (Thailand), The Globe and Mail (Canada), and other papers, 5-11 August 2010
"Una minaccia più che mai reale: Il rischio rappresentato dalle atomiche", in L'Osservatore Romano, 6 May 2010
"Eliminating Nuclear Threats: A Practical Agenda for Global Policymakers", in Вестник аналитики, forthcoming
"A Plan to Eliminate the World's Nuclear Weapons" with Yoriko Kawaguchi, in the Financial Times, 18 December 2009
"Responding to North Korea's Nuclear Test", in The Age, 28 May 2009
Sri Lanka: "Falling Down on the Job", in Foreign Policy, 1 May 2009
"A Strong and Principled Basis for Response", in The Globe and Mail, 29 November 2008
"The Urge to Protect", in European Voice, 13 October 2008
"Bescherm de machtelozen, maar zonder militairen", De Volkskrant, 11 October 2008
"When Nations Kill their Own", The Christian Science Monitor, 10 October 2008
"The Responsibility to Protect: Holding the Line", in openDemocracy, 8 October 2008
"Mü dahale hakkı yerine yeni kavram", in Radikal, 23 September 2008
"Odgovornost zaščite: moč idej in čustev", in Dnevnik, 18 September 2008
"Russia and the 'Responsibility to Protect'", The Los Angeles Times, 31 August 2008
"Impasse for Zimbabwe", The Guardian, 19 August 2008
"State Sovereignty Was a Licence to Kill", interview with SEF News (Stiftung Entwicklung und Frieden), 22 May 2008
Burma/Myanmar: "Facing Up to Our Responsibilities", The Guardian, 12 May 2008
"Pushing Hamas Has Backfired", The Christian Science Monitor, 27 March 2008
"The Right Nuclear Red Line", The Washington Post, 5 December 2007
"A Doable Deal with Iran", EU Observer, 30 November 2007
"Pour aider le Pakistan, l'Occident doit cesser de soutenir Musharraf", with Chris Patten and Joschka Fischer, Le Figaro, 12 November 2007
"Reverse Musharraf's Coup" with Chris Patten and Joschka Fischer, International Herald Tribune, 9 November 2007
"Maintaining anti-nuclear rage", The Canberra Times, 17 August 2007
"Tribunal international: séparer le politique du judiciaire", L'Orient-Le Jour, 19 July 2007
"محكمة الحريري: أهمية فصل المسارين السياسي والقضائي", Al-Hayat, 19 July 2007
"The Sahara's Frozen Conflict", The Wall Street Journal Europe, 21 June 2007
"Kosovo Must Be Independent", (with Madeleine Albright, Lloyd Axworthy, Jan Eliasson, Joschka Fischer, Bronislaw Geremek, Niels Helveg Petersen, Lydie Polfer, Jozias van Artsen and Hubert Vedrine), International Herald Tribune, 16 June 2007
"Signs of Transition", (with Don Steinburg, on China and Darfur), Guardian, 11 June 2007
"Les opinions publiques sont pour une intervention au Darfour", (with Andrew Stroehlein), in Le Temps, 10 April 2007
"A Responsibility to Protect: The World's View", (with Andrew Stroehlein),, 5 April 2007
"It's Not Too Late to Stop Iran's Bomb", International Herald Tribune, 16 February 2007
"نحو حلّ شامل للنزاع العربي - الإسرائيلي", Al Hayat, 22 October 2006
"Whose Move in the Middle East?", (with Robert Malley), The Washington Post, 14 October 2006
"Israel and the Quartet Must Seize the Moment", Financial Times, 19 September 2006
"Diplomacy Is the Only Way", (with Robert Malley), The Australian Financial Review, 3 August 2006
"Climbing Out of the Lebanon Abyss", (with Robert Malley), Slate, 28 July 2006
"The Responsibility to Protect: Unfinished Business", G8 Summit 2006: Issues and Instruments (The Official Summit Publication), 17 July 2006
"Comment sortir de la crise", (with Robert Malley), Jeune Afrique, 16 July 2006
"How to Curb the Tension in Gaza", (with Robert Malley), Financial Times, 6 July 2006
"Responsibility to Protect: Never Say Never Again", The Advertiser, 3 May 2006
"Guinea: No Coups Are Good Coups", (with Mike McGovern),, 22 March 2006
"Time to Take a Deep Breath over Plans for a Nuclear Iran", Financial Times, 23 February 2006
"World Must Help Afghanistan through Its Risky Pause", Financial Times, 30 January 2006
"Building Peace from Ashes of War", Baltimore Sun, 20 January 2006
"Aceh is Building Peace from its Ruins", International Herald Tribune, 23 December 2005
"The Dogs that Never Barked", Los Angeles Times, 22 November 2005
"Where the UN is Winning", The Age, 24 October 2005
"Deux Dangers : la Prolifération Nucléaire et le Terrorisme", Le Monde, 19 October 2005
"UN Missed the Chance of a Lifetime", The Globe and Mail, 11 October 2005
"No Simple Solution for Extremists", The Australian, 27 September 2005
Interview with Gareth Evans on UN Reform Failure, BBC World, 15 September 2005
"A Poor Excuse for Inaction", Business Day and The East African, 18 August 2005
"Iraq's constitution must be inclusive, not hasty", (with Joost Hiltermann), Financial Times, 13 June 2005
"Bridging The Gap In Darfur", The Wall Street Journal Europe, 7 June 2005
"Media short-sightedness is truly staggering", Reuters AlertNet, 9 March 2005
"Genocide or crime? Actions speak louder than words in Darfur", The European Voice, 18 February 2005
"It's time to talk independence for Kosovo", International Herald Tribune, 25 January 2005
"Optimism rises after the tsunamis", Financial Times, 11 January 2005
"Guide North Korea Away From The Brink", International Herald Tribune, 18 November 2004
"Iraq chaos has only emboldened Iran", (with Karim Sadjadpour), International Herald Tribune, 13 October 2004
"Why nobody is doing enough for Darfur", Financial Times, 3 August 2004
"Kosovo, Irak, Darfur", Financial Times Deutschland, 30 July 2004
"UN peacekeeping: Congo on the brink of full-scale war", International Herald Tribune, 26 July 2004
"Nevoia de actiune urgenta in Sudan", Ziua (Romania), 27 May 2004
الخرطوم ساهمت في حفر مقابر مواطنيها في دارفور, Asharq Al Awsat, 27 May 2004
"Die letzte Chance fü r Darfur", Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 27 May 2004
"The world should be ready to intervene in Sudan", International Herald Tribune, 14 May 2004
"What Iraq needs from a handover", (with Robert Malley), Financial Times, 28 April 2004
"Après le génocide du Rwanda, la mémoire ne suffit pas", (with Stephen Ellis), Le Monde, 23 April 2004
"Bush can't order Mideast peace à la carte", (with Robert Malley), Globe and Mail, 21 April 2004
"Three advantages of the Annan peace plan", (with Martti Ahtisaari), International Herald Tribune, 19 April 2004
"The Rwandan Genocide: Memory Is Not Enough", (with Stephen Ellis), 8 April 2004
"A 'Greater Chinese Union' with Taiwan?", International Herald Tribune, 12 March 2004
"Building peace - and a belief in the future", Global Agenda, 20 January 2004
"Stop losing the peace; The American fist can win wars, but peace-making and nation-building require a more open-handed approach", Globe and Mail, 8 October 2003
"Why the war on terror is not going well: Two years later", International Herald Tribune, 11 September 2003
"Only self-rule will bring stability to Iraq", Financial Times, 26 August 2003
"The Responsibility to Protect: When it's right to fight", Progressive Politics, 31 July 2003
"Why Bush must send troops to help save Liberia", Financial Times, 18 July 2003
"Indonesia Matters: Diversity, Unity and Stability in Fragile Times", 1 July 2003
"How to secure peace in Liberia", (with Comfort Ero), The Observer, 29 June 2003
"The UN must act. Africa is on the verge of another genocide", International Herald Tribune, 17 May 2003
"West Africa's Interlocking War: Time For A New Regional Approach To The Crisis", West Africa Magazine, 16 May 2003
"Humanity did not justify this war", Financial Times, 15 May 2003
"Road Map vs. Reality", (with Robert Malley), The Washington Post, 6 May 2003
"The UN is best placed to rebuild Iraq", (with Robert Malley), Financial Times, 7 April 2003
"The Kurds: a catastrophe waiting to happen", (with Joost Hiltermann), International Herald Tribune, 20 March 2003
"The question for Powell", International Herald Tribune, 3 February 2003
"Missed opportunities for peace", The Observer Online, 26 January 2003
"Roadblocks on the path to peace", (with Robert Malley), The New York Times, 24 October 2002
"Disarming Saddam is enough", International Herald Tribune, 16 September 2002
"What the world should hear from Bush", International Herald Tribune, 6 September 2002
"The quest for security and social justice", Australian Financial Review, 6 September 2002
"Bush's plan is simply unrealistic", (with Robert Malley), International Herald Tribune, 28 June 2002
"Don't let Zimbabwe implode", International Herald Tribune, 18 June 2002
"No abandonemos a Asia Central", La Vanguardia, 5 June 2002
"Get to peace by putting politics first", The Observer Online, 14 April 2002
"Start with the endgame", International Herald Tribune, 10 April 2002
"Clean up Macedonia", Wall Street Journal Europe, 12 March 2002
"Iraq and the UN Security Council", International Herald Tribune, 28 February 2002
"Sudan: seize this serious chance to end a long civil war", (with John Prendergast), International Herald Tribune, 29 January 2002
"Hit Mugabe hard where it hurts, now", Sydney Morning Herald, 21 January 2002
"Beware of conjuring up fresh Afghanistans in Central Asia", International Herald Tribune, 3 October 2001
"Channel shock and anger to fight terrorism's source", International Herald Tribune, 15 September 2001
"Get moving now to prevent genocide in Burundi", International Herald Tribune, 22 August 2001
"NATO must do more in Macedonia", Wall Street Journal, 22 August 2001
"Shades of Bosnia: NATO's plan for Macedonia is not sufficient", Wall Street Journal Europe, 16 August 2001
"Indonesia's military culture has to be reformed", International Herald Tribune, 24 July 2001
"Belgrade needs help, but the aid must have firm conditions", International Herald Tribune, 27 June 2001
"Sorry, the boys should darn well stay in Bosnia", International Herald Tribune, 25 May 2001
"The great unfinished business of Southeastern Europe", International Herald Tribune, 26 April 2001
"Le Prochain point chaud des Balkans", Le Monde, 20 February 2001
"The next Balkan hot spot?", Wall Street Journal, 12 February 2001
"A wake-up call to Jakarta: governance, please", International Herald Tribune, 7 February 2001
"In Central Africa, an urgent challenge to American leadership", International Herald Tribune, 25 January 2001
"Yes to a Hague-on-the-Danube trial for Milosevic", International Herald Tribune, 9 January 2001
"Central Asians need help now to head off conflict", International Herald Tribune, 16 August 2000
"Montenegro needs Western help", Wall Street Journal Europe, 16 June 2000